Luxury Travel PR: Targeting the Right Audience
The small world of luxury travel public relations is an exclusive club. If you’ve signed a luxury travel client, there are a few things you need to understand about the luxury public relations market and media landscape.
Identifying Select Media Publications
Working in PR, you’re probably familiar with the abundance of lifestyle magazines. However, while these publications may be perfect for some of your other fashion, beauty or F&B clients, they’re definitely not the right move for a luxury travel client. Press releases for luxury clients should be pitched to a set of publications that specialise in high-end goods and services. Being selective about the right publications will certainly increase your number of secured coverage, as it is less likely for a lifestyle magazine that caters to the general public to pick up your story. Narrowing down the set of publications to pitch to is the smartest PR move when it comes to luxury PR.
Using Sophisticated Language
Choosing the right publications to pitch to is important, but to really secure coverage, your press release also needs to reflect the high-quality of your brand. Communicating in a voice that markets your travel brand as the luxurious good or service that it is, is essential in securing coverage in a publication that seeks high-end press releases. Tone, voice and word choice is an important factor that immediately says your client is high-quality.
Selective Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is a strong strategy, however, in the case of a luxury brand, the influencer candidates must be highly selective. When working with influencers to market a luxurious good or service, it’s advised to stay away from micro-bloggers. Big and high-end influencers should be the only selective group of influencers you should consider to represent your brand through influencer marketing. While you’re pitching to high-end publications on the media front, it only makes sense to target high-end and large influencers on the social media sites.
Reflect the High-Quality of the Brand Throughout
Everything from the creative press kits and gifting to the press releases should reflect the quality of the products of service. Being a luxury travel brand means that every aspect of your business exuberates class and quality. This is also especially important when working with macro-influencers as they have huge influence and voice. This means that if your PR package is of poor quality, recipient influencers may speak out about it, ultimately damaging your brand and image.