POP Communications secures BEA Skin Care and Vitamin Injections London
POP Communications has secured the PR contract for skincare and wellness brands BEA Skin Care and Vitamin Injections London.
Cosmeceutical brand BEA Skin Care is a cruelty free skincare range, utilizing potent concentrates of ‘active’ ingredients, including Vitamin C, in higher quantities compared with other over-the-counter brands. Additionally, the range uses high strength compounds that are 100% free of irritants or allergens and boasts paraben and carcinogenic-free properties. All of Bea Skin Care’s ingredients are medical-grade and synthetic free.
With Vitamin Injections London, say goodbye to oral vitamin supplementation with the brand’s innovative Skin Patch and Suppository Collection. Providing your body with exactly what it needs with a variety of adhesive supplements and the patches provide up to 12 hours of continuous transdermal nutrient delivery.
“We’re very excited to launch both BEA Skin Care and Vitamin Injections London in the UAE, and helping in establishing more points of sales for these amazing brands! As well-loved brands with a global customer base and celebrated by many British bloggers UK-wide, BEA Skin Care and Vitamin Injections London is a welcome addition to our growing beauty, health and wellness portfolio.” says Zainab Imichi Alhassan, Managing Director POP Communications.