In case you haven’t heard, Clubhouse is the latest social app on the scene attracting business people, PR professionals and entrepreneurs. WHAT IS IT? It’s an audio-based platform in which users can listen to or host live conversations. These interactions happen in audio chat rooms and range from podcast-style talks to seminars and conferences. The…
February 15, 2021 -
The Productive Power Of The To-Do List
When it comes to work routines in this current season, some of your normal habits might have changed. Levels of productivity have been constantly changing along with the turbulence of the recent months. However, our top and most important piece of advice to achieve ultimate productivity levels is to MAINTAIN YOUR TO-DO LIST. All…
July 15, 2020 -
4 Steps To Create A Successful PR Plan For Your Business
Planning a strategy is necessary in every aspect of business, this is equally important when creating a PR plan. Whether looking at the month, quarter or year, there are steps to follow in order to develop a well-structured and carefully thought-through plan. A PR plan should map out the strategy and activities that will…
July 11, 2020 -
Facebook Offline Activity: The feature behind Facebooks accurate user-experience
Ever been stunned by the accuracy of the adverts you see on social media? For example, you’ve been looking for post-pandemic staycation deals, then all of a sudden, you open social media and there are a variety of offers and options for you to choose from? There is in fact, an explanation for why and…
May 27, 2020 -
Here’s why your Healthcare business needs a PR Agency in 2020
This important season for the healthcare industry has proven the need for clear and consistent communication with the media and the general public. For businesses in the healthcare industry, PR is exceptionally important for the communicational value they provide. Rather than relying on an internal team, a PR agency is expertly trained and well-connected to…
May 12, 2020 -
5 Reasons why PR is essential for small businesses
When you are starting up or running a small company, inevitably you will be assessing your budget to see where you should be allocating costs. “What costs are essential”, “Should we invest in advertising or is PR more suitable for our strategy?” are questions that you might be trying to answer. How about if…
April 26, 2020 -
What is TikTok and How is it changing Influencer Marketing?
Tiktok is a name that is slowly making its way into everyone’s vernacular. Launched in 2016, the teenagers of the world quickly adopted this app as one of their main social media platforms. With an algorithm like no other, TikTok Influencers are increasing in popularity at great speed and marketeers are keeping a close eye…
April 13, 2020 -
Zainab and Sarah share their Top Tips for Working from Home
From small companies to large conglomerates, the majority of offices around the world are now social distancing. Workers now find themselves attempting to find a space in their home where they can comfortably and pro-actively adjust to their newfound routine. At POP Comms, we have found some small solutions that have greatly helped our…
April 1, 2020 -
Why your business needs PR and media management during this Global Crisis
As the world goes into lockdown there are many issues that businesses are facing. Having a strong relationship with the media, influencers and public through digital platforms is crucial for the survival of a company. At the cycle of supply and demand has rapidly changed and the digital space has heightened sensitivity to the communications…
March 26, 2020 -
How to handle communications during the COVID-19 crisis
The current global pandemic has taken the world by surprise. Drastic actions are being taken at an extremely rapid pace. To handle these unprecedented times, a reaction is required for all sectors to give clear, concise and fast-paced communications. More than ever, people are turning to social media and to news sites for consistent news…
March 24, 2020